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ASPI support for
!PC v0.05c (49K archive). These drivers allow the use of SCSI
devices from the PC side using the native (Dos or Windows 3.x) PC drivers.
This is particularly useful for removable drives (eg Syquest, ZIP), and
scanners. They also work within Windows 95, but you must use DOS or Windows
3.x device drivers.
By Andreas Walter
Win95 keyboard
Support Patch for the keyboard driver on RISC-PCs to allow the use of
Windows 95 keyboards. Combined with !PC v2.09 or later the keys will be
usable within the PC environment.
by Robin Watts
Commercial Software
Runs PC-Card applications multitasking on the RISCOS desktop, with
RISCOS-style Program manager window, pop-up menus etc. Also does drag &
drop file exchange.
No longer available
Network Links.
This is an Aleph One product that allows your Acorn Ethernet card to also be
used by your PC card and PC software that uses a NE2000-compatible card.
Price and OnLine
Manual for
Network links is available on this site.
(381K archive) is a suite of utilities to let you use a RISCOS editor from
the PC, transfer files, share RISCOS directories as PC drives, issue RISCOS
commands from the PC, control the PC-Card multitasking speed, and control
multiple config files. Windows 95 long-filenames are supported, A very useful
adjunct to your PC card, and currently the only way to access 'Joliet' CDs
with the PC Card. This is the full, latest, version of the software included
on the PCPro floppy.
by Alexander Thoukydides
Cache-testing utility (221K ZIPfile). Are you unsure about the size
of cache fitted to
your PC Card? This DOS utility exercises the hardware in order to determine
the size of the internal & external cache sizes.
by François Piette
ROM patches for RISCOS 3.6 & 3.7
(11K archive). If you have RISCOS 3.6 or 3.7 it is
important that you install these patches to fix a range of problems.
from Acorn
(5K ZIPfile) A utility to control the volume of sound from the PC Card from
the command line.
by Kevin F Quinn
Trumpet Winsock
This is the shareware software mentioned in the Network Links
documentation, which gives a TCP/IP stack to Windows 3.1 or 3.11. This (or
equivalent software) is needed (along with Network Links) if you want to use
TCP/IP applications in windows 3.X
from trumpet Software international
DOSmount. (12K
archive) A utility to let you access DirectSCSI drives using DOSFS from the
Desktop. Note that it is not StrongARM-compatible, and that this facility is
built-in to more recent SCSI cards.
by Brian Brunswick
PCjoy (28K archive)joystick support
for RISCOS joysticks such as the VTi gamepad. Not suitable for use with
PC-style analogue joysticks.
by Daniel Simms
Guard against drive DOSDisc partitions being deleted.
(1.5K ZIPfile) This is a simple module which you can stick into your startup sequence to
guard DOS partitions from being accidentally deleted.
by Matthew Bloch
Hard disc re-sizing utility
(52K ZIPfile) "PRESIZER". This DOS software can re-size your partition
without losing all the data one it. You need to expand the size of the DOS
Partition file first, using BASIC, then run this from the PC side to
re-arrange the HD tables. Obviously this is a high-risk activity - we make
absolutely no guarantees! Most people have had success, a few have had
by John Lagonikas
!StretchDD (6.5K ZIPfile) This is a front-end to the usual tedious process
of resizing a DOS partition. Before using it you will need a copy of
PRESIZER.EXE sitting on the partition so you can re-write the
partition tables from DOS afterwards. It was written for people who want
to experiment and don't have enough disc space to repartition 'properly'.
by Matthew Bloch
RISC Utils
(145K archive). A set of utilities to do various useful things, including
preventing Close & Shut commands being issued whilst !PC is running. (It
also provides multiple backdrop support, utilities for random startup
actions, start-up actions only the first time, checking keyboard and mouse
activity, and detecting running tasks)
by Damian Leslie
Fast Serial Card drivers
(9K archive). These drivers allow the PC Card to use the Serial
port/Atomwide fast serial card hardware.
by Hugo Fiennes
CD filer fixes
(13K archive) patches CDFS to add filetyping and improve PC/Mac CD support
by Robin Watts
Text converter
(58K ZIPfile) RISCOS application and DOS executable which
translate text files between RISCOS/UNIX, PC and Mac formats
by Ian
Giblin, ALT-itude software
Commercial Software
This software lets you access long filenames in PC Partition files.
Invaluable if you use Windows 95.
Available from Warm Silence Software
PC-Card Floating-point
This remarkable piece of software lets you use the
floating-point co-processor in the PC Card from RISCOS (when you aren't using
it as a PC Card).
Available from Warm Silence Software
PC Exchange.
Allows exchange of text and graphics between the RISCOS
desktop and the Windows Clipboard. Converts between sprites and bitmaps and
PC/RISCOS text formats.
Available from RISC OS Dealers
R-Comp Interactive: PCSound Professional 2
. Much improved (from the standard sound support
supplied with !PC) sound, especially for games, and MIDI input as well as
output support.
Available from R-Comp Interactive
Last Updated: 2005.11.07
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