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!Boot.Choices.PC.Default file

> PC Card Home > Support > ConfigFile1.html
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# Configuration name
ConfigName Test

# Approximate size of RAM available to PC Card

# Minimum amount to allocate for display emulation
VideoRAM 256

# Include VRAM in memory allocation for VESA 2.0 linear framebuffer
IncludeVRAM Off

# RISCOS Screen Mode number or descriptor to be used by Windows Driver
WinDrvMode x640y480c16

# Fast video turned on at startup? (FastVESA is a slight misnomer)
FastVESA Off

# Frame-skip value for fast mode 13h etc.
FastVESASkip 4

# Automatically switch to single-tasking mode when needed?
SwitchLFB Off

# If on then DOS attempts to boot from floppy before hard drive
FloppyBoot On

# Completely stop drive A: from being accessed
DisableFloppies Off

# Use Host's parallel port for PC
DirectParallel Off

# Remap direct parallel data for Turbodriver printer cable
TurboDriverBodge Off

# Use Host's serial port for PC
DirectSerial Off

# Defines which DOS port is redirected to the Archimedes port
RISCOSPrinter 1

# NE2000 major packet types (see later for advanced)
NE2000Basic -pISO

# PC to Arc switch: 3 is default,2 is keyboard only, 1 is mouse only, 0 allows no return
SuspendOption 3

# Bitfield indicating which devices are ignored by the ASPI driver
ASPIIgnore &00000000

# Bitfield indicating which devices are reserved by the ASPI driver
ASPIReserve &00000000

# Bitfield indicating which devices are forcibly claimed by ASPI driver
ASPIForce &00000000

# Restricted size ASPI buffer?
ASPIBuffer 3

# PC multitasking speeds; speeds for when PC is in foreground & background and the amount of time it gives to other tasks
ForegroundSlice 3
BackgroundSlice 1
BackgroundHoldoff 0

# Allows PC to start up automatically when loaded
AutoStart 0

# Show toolbar on startup?
Toolbar On

#### Advanced settings beyond here should not be tampered with #### #### unless you're really really sure you know what you're doing ####

# Internal cache (0 = off, 1 = write-through, 2 = write-back, 3 = auto) L1Cache 3

# External cache (0 = off, 1 = write-through, 2 = write-back, 3 = auto) L2Cache 3

# External cache size (128K / 512K) L2Size 128

# ASIC buffers disable (0 = Enabled, 1 = No FIFO, 2 = Disable large FIFO, 3 = No FIFO) ASICOptions 0

# Video retrace emulation (0 = normal, 1 = fast A, 2 = fast B) RetraceEmulation 0

# Enable bus mouse emulation BusMouse On

# Interrupt no. for bus mouse (usually 3) BusMouseInt 3

# Advanced NE2000 options (other than packet types) NE2000Advanced

# Interrupt no. for network card (usually 5) NE2000Int 5

# Floppy drive sizes (0 to auto-configure, or specify 360, 720, 1200, 1440) Floppy0 0 Floppy1 0

# Shared memory transfer control (0=fast -> 6=slow) SharedMemFlags 0

# Video memory convert on mode change PreserveVidMem 1

# Squashes PC screen to fit RISCOS screen when multi-tasking at the expense of some clarity ScaleToFit Off

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