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PC card Mailing lists

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We hope to provide additional support to PC Card users through the use of these mailing lists.

There are currently two public lists:

and two private lists:

PC Card Announcements

This a public mailing list is for owners of Aleph One PC Cards or Acorn PC Cards. It informs them of all new software & hardware releases. All customers who supplied an Email address when registering their card will automatically be subscribed to this list.

If you'd like to check that you're already on the list, or change the address to which you are sent mail, then please email the List Manager with one of the commands below.

PC Card Discussions

This mailing list is open to all Aleph One & Acorn PC card owners to discuss all aspects of using PC Cards. eg, hints and tips for using the software, ideas for future additions, etc.

To join the list, remove yourself from the list, or change the address to which you are sent mail, then please email the List Manager with one of the commands below.

This list is not intended to replace our Technical Support department, but to serve as a useful supplement to it. It will be monitored by our Tech Support staff. If you believe there is a fault with any part of our software, please fill in a BugRep file, and email to Technical Support.

PC Card Developers List

This is private mailing list for those developing software for use with Aleph One or Acorn PC Cards. It informs them of all new software, DDK & hardware releases. To subscribe to the list you must sign a Non Disclosure Agreement, and supply Aleph One with some details of the software that you wish to write (to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort). The list will cover discussions of programming issues, DDK feedback, and allow info to be passed between developers.

If you'd like to check that you're already on the list, or change the address to which you are sent mail, then please email the List Manager with one of the commands below.

PC Card Beta-Testers List

This a private mailing list for those testing new software releases for Aleph One or Acorn PC Cards. It informs them of all new software releases, and is used to discuss those releases, especially any bugs found. To subscribe to the list you must become a beta-tester.

If you wish to join the team, give details of your system, software and level of expertise. Do not apply to be a tester unless you are able to devote some time to the process of testing new software, endeavouring to discover the causes of problems you find, and having software which may not work properly. NB: We are currently short of podule PC Card testers.

IF you still want to join, please apply to support@aleph1.co.uk

If you'd like to check that you're already on the list, or change the address to which you are sent mail, then please email the List Manager with one of the commands below.

All the lists will accept these commands:

In the description below items contained in [ ]'s are optional. When providing the item, do not include the [ ] 's around it.

subscribe [<address>]
Subscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) to this list.

unsubscribe [<address>]
Unsubscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) from this list.

which [<address>]
Find out which local lists you (or <address> if specified) are on.

info [<list>]
Retrieve the general introductory information for the named <list>.

Show the lists served by this server.

Put the commands in the body of the message, not the subject.

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