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1 Introduction

Congratulations on your purchase of an Aleph One PC Card for your Acorn RISC Computer. These cards allow your Acorn computer to execute programs designed for IBM-compatible computers efficiently. There are two different types of PC cards: 
  • Expansion cards are suitable for all Acorn computers with a vacant 16-bit expansion slot, including the A5000, A540, A300 and A400 series, and the A3000 (with an external box). They have their own memory, IDE hard drive interface and parallel and serial ports, and use a 16-bit bus. Software for expansion cards has the suffix e.

  •  Second processor cards are suitable only for RiscPC computers and are fitted in the second processor slot. They use the Open Bus to share resources and devices equally with the host machine and have a 32-bit bus. There are two versions of the second processor card, Mark I and Mark II. Software for second processor cards has the suffix l.

1.1 Late-breaking information

Supplied with your PC Card software is a text file, README. This contains information which was received too late to include in this User Guide. Please read this file before you install your card, it may contain information about changes in procedures, or additional facilities which are not described in this document. Within the ReadMe file you will find a section called "User Guide Updates". This contains the changes that should be made to your User Guide.

1.2 Registering your card

It is vital that you complete and return the registration card supplied with your PC Expansion Card. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY SOFTWARE UPDATES UNLESS YOU DO . All updates to the core PC software are free; simply return your program disc for updating regularly. 

Some optional software extensions, such as networking software, are charged for. 

1.3 About this User Guide

This User Guide covers the installation and setup of both expansion and second processor cards and their software. 

Where there are differences in procedures between the two card variants, these are clearly marked in the text which follows, with both text and logos in the margin: 

  • Information specific to second processor cards is shown by the RiscPC logo, as only RiscPCs can currently host these cards.

  • Information specific to expansion cards is shown by an Aleph One logo:
This User Guide does not attempt to teach you how to use DOS and Windows. If you are new to using PCs and their operating systems, we recommend that you buy one of the many books available on the subject, in addition to the manuals supplied with those products. 

1.4 Contents of the PC Card package

Your Aleph One PC card package should consist of the following: items in addition to these instructions: 
  • PC card (in anti-static bag), either an expansion card or second processor card as labelled on the box.

  • Floppy disc containing PC support software.

  • User Guide.

  • Registration card.
In addition, the expansion card package contains the following: 
  • Bag containing blank back panel, T-piece and screws 
If any of these items seem to be missing or damaged please contact your supplier. 

Aleph One Ltd. (1998-01-09) 5-6

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