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Using !PCConfig

4.13 About !PCConfig

!PCConfig is used to set the options for !PC specifically to suit your installation. 

!PCConfig reads and writes to a text file called Config inside !PC. It is possible to edit this directly: see Appendix A Configuration on page 73.

If you have more than one configuration file

!PCConfig normally finds the Config file itself, but if you have more than one copy of !PC, or don’t follow these instructions, or have an unusual setup, it is possible that it will get it wrong. !PCConfig finds the config file it wants by using the environment variable Diva$Dir. This is set by the !Boot and !run files of !PC. This means that if you have more than one copy of !PC on your system the one that will be configured is: 
  • The last one run, or if !PC has not been run:
  • The first one seen by the filer (This is why you must reset after copying !PC and !PCConfig to the hard disk, as the one on the floppy was the first one seen, but not the one you want to configure).

Further configuration options

Finally, the advanced options displayed by !PCConfig are controlled by a file called ConfData inside !PCConfig. Normally only options that people are likely to need or want to change are displayed, but there are many others. 
  • For details of these options and how to display them, see Appendix A.
Aleph One Ltd. 28-29
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