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Hardware Problems and Upgrades

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Recognising Hardware related Problems

Kinetic Cards
Main Memory
C32 Motherboard mod
PC card timing mod
PC card C20 mod

Upgrade PC cards.

The Burning Question - Do you need to upgrade? What is available?
Cache 128K or 512K

Upgrade PC podules

Recognising Hardware related Problems

Hardware problems normally give erratic random errors that do not appear all the time. Most, but not all, errors that are persistent and reproducible are software.

Kinetic Cards

All CASTLE Kinetic card users must ensure they are using PCPro3 version 3.06 or greater together with the latest MemFix module available from Castle's Web site on the Index of /Support/kinetic page. Full FAQ is also available from Castle.

PC cards can only use the main memory fitted to the mother board and none fitted to the Kinetic card itself. You should also remember that 4Mb of that is used for DMA so not all of the mother board memory can be used. Thus to have the full 32Mb allocated to the PC card you need at least 36Mb+VRAM fitted to the mother board with a Kinetic.

We believe that our software, combined with Castle's memfix module, fix all the software problems introduced by Kinetic. Any remaining problems have been due to hardware. We may be proved wrong on this, of course, but if you are still having problems after using !PC v3.06 or greater with memfix it is likely that your hardware needs attention.

Harware problems in order of probability.

C32 Motherboard mod
Main Memory
PC card timing mod
PC card C20 mod
All modifications should only be undertaken after consulting with Castle. Contact details available from their web site.


All StrongARM-driven systems should be using PCPro as this is the only fully compliant PC card support software. Read about the latest version of PCPro 3.xx.

If you have a StrongARM fitted then you need to remove any doubts about having or not having timing problems. To do this the system needs to have the StrongARM replaced by an older ARM cpu card for testing. If the problem goes away it is undoubtedly a StrongARM timing problem.

DO NOT change the StrongARM if your system is still under warranty; contact your supplier for instructions.

If you do not have an older ARM CPU you need to contact your local Acorn dealer or a friend with an older ARM card.

Timing problems may appear on any StrongARM system even if it has been to Reflex Electronics Ltd for modifications. One or more of the following circumstances can cause a StrongARM system to show timing problems:

After the original launch of the StrongARM-110 R25 and R35's were changed from being vertical to horizontal. This changes the card timing slightly.Here is a diagram to view.

Timing problems in order of probability.

Main Memory
C32 Motherboard mod
PC card timing mod
PC card C20 mod
All modifications can be undertaken by Reflex Electronics.. Contact details available from their web site.


ViewFinder has not been tested with a PC card by Aleph One. John Kortink has tested it and reports that it currently only works in multitasking mode. So Direct Draw display adapters can not be used by Windows 95/98. We are working on improving PC Card/Viewfinder compatibility.


Early RPC's from Acorn were fitted with Samsung VRAM SIMM and do not work well with StrongARM's or the Kinetic. Try testing with a different VRAM or just remove it. Just because it worked with a StrongARM is no guarantee that it will work with a Kinetic.

The VRAM is the only upright SIMM, located in line with the PC card, and is the rear most SIMM just to the front of the large VIDC chip. Location drawing for the VRAM.

Main Memory

There are three memory slots in the current RiscPC. Starting from the back the upright slot is for VRAM. The next two are main memory SIMMs, which are slanted slots. The most significant memory slot should contain the largest memory SIMM. This is the rear slanted SIMM and the secondary slot or forward forward slot is the least significant slot..

The Risc PC series allows you to mix SIMMs of different sizes within your machine as long as the SIMM's are compatible with one another. This means that adding a 32MB SIMM to an existing 10MB Risc PC will give you a 42MB machine, including your 2MB of VRAM. Main memory SIMMs that can be fitted are 64,32,16,8 and 4MB. Two 128MB simms and a 2MB VRAM will give the maximum memory of 258MB.

Ask the supplier the following questions

If they can answer yes to all these questions, the price is right and they will give you a refund if it doesn't work, then buy it.

We have been informed that the DRAM chips, used to build the SIMMs, are becoming harder to get. Prices haven't increased yet but they have stopped falling; draw your own conclusions.

Fault finding

StrongARM-driven systems using PCPro prior to !PC 2.13 will have memory allocation problems if you try to allocate more than 28Mb. With StrongARM and RiscOS 3.71 you will require PCPro3.06 or later otherwise you can still have problems allocating 28Mb or more.

C32 Motherboard mod

Removing the surface mounted capacitor, C32, has proven to be the most effective cure for timing problems introduced by fitting a Kinetic, especially if the system has EDO main memory or the system was working OK with a StrongARM. If you did not previously have a strongARM then you should check the PC Card timing components are correct before doing this modification. This modification was not always effective with StrongARM upgrade timing problems where older memory SIMMs are fitted.


PC card timing modifications

These mods should not be done unless you have the surface mounted replacement components and a steady hand. It is quite difficult without a twin-pronged surface-mount soldering bit of the correct size. If you do not want to tackle the job youself contact Contact Aleph One Sales. This only applies to Gemini2 cards, and only early production is likely to have the 'wrong' components.


Surface mounted components list. 0R (Link), 680R and 56R (Resistors)

PC card C20 mod

This mod should not be done unless you have the replacement component and a steady hand. It is easy to damage the board tracks trying to remove the capactitor without the right soldering bit. If you do not want to tackle the job youself contact Contact Aleph One Sales. Newer Gemin2 PC cards should not need this mod.


Component list. 33uf 10V 5C low ESR (the low ESR bit is very important - tantalum capacitors are best).


Upgrades can take three forms - Memory, PC card or ARM CPU. All can give an increase in speed and there are 5x86 PC Card Benchmarks for you to view so that you can make an informed decision.

Cache 128K or 512K

Original Gemini I and Gemini II versions of the PC cards produced for the Acorn Risc PC computer were fitted with a 128K level2 cache. Recently the size of the cache has been increased to 512K on some PC cards. PCPro is able to take advantage of this increase in the size of cache, but can not automatically detect the size fitted. You need to recognise a PC card cache and know how to change the Advanced Configuration settings of PCPro to make maximum use of you PC card.

Visual recognition by inspecting the PC card

Ensure that your computer system is shutdown in the normal way. Switch off and unplug the power lead from the electrical power socket. You can now safely remove the top cover of the Risc PC computer. (See page 87 of your Acorn Risc PC Welcome Guide for instructions)

Viewed from the rear of the Risc PC, the PC card stands at right angles to the motherboard on the right hand of the case, with its components facing you.
Look at the PC card now facing you.
On a Gemini II PC card 'IC2' & 'IC3' are at the top right hand side of the PC card.

Make a note of which card is fitted and replace the top cover of the Risc PC. (See page 88 of your Acorn Risc PC Welcome Guide for instructions)

If the PC card is a Gemini II fitted with 128K cache you can have the card upgraded to 512K. See below.

To change or check the cache settings using !PCconfig.

Run !PCConfig and Select "Advanced" icon
Then look for the 'Size of External cache fitted to your card' option and select '512'.
Then save the settings and Quit !PCconfig or "Launch PC".
The changed settings will be used the next time you run !PC.

Run !PCConfig and Click 'menu' on the icon-bar icon and select 'advanced configuration'.
Click 'OK' on the warning message that appears.
Then look for the 'Size of External cache fitted to your card' option and select '512'.
Then save the settings and Quit !PCconfig.
Changed settings will be used the next time you run !PC.

Pre PCPro
Non PCPro software needs the cache settings chaching manually. You should only change the settings manually if the 'Size of External cache fitted to your card' option did not appear in the list when using !PCconfig.

Find your !PC application.
Shift-double click on it, to see the files inside.
One of them is a text file called 'config'.
Edit it by double-clicking on it.
Add a line to the end of the file like this:
L2size 512
(Check that there isn't already a line saying L2size 128 and if there is change the 128 to 512)
Then save the file.
These settings will be used the next time you run !PC.

What happens if it is set wrong?

If you set 128K on a 512K card it just goes a bit slower than it should as the full 512K is not being used.
If you set 512K on a 128K card it will give memory test errors immediately on start-up:

ERROR: ROM failed checksum =001F, and
ERROR at address 00001000H : Wrote 0001 Read 0000

Cards from CJE Micros with AMD processors give: ERROR: ROM failed checksum =00FC

Upgraded to 512K

Gemini II Cards only can be upgraded to 512KB cache. This is carried out by

First SMT Ltd
Spirella Buildings
Bridge Road

Tel: 01462 483360
Phone First SMT Ltd to find current pricing.
Please note this is not a repair service. Your Card must work when it arrives.

Upgrade PC podules

Elvis (Second generation podule cards)

These podule cards have use SIMMs all of them can use 8Mb but many need a modification to enable them to use the maximum 16MB SIMM. The modification can be done by anybody capable of using a fine soldering iron. Modification diagram download.

These can be fitted with a Maths CoProcessor but they are not easy to obtain email sales@aleph1.co.uk for availability.

Diva (First generation podule cards)

These have the older ZIP type of RAM chips with a maximum of 4Mb. The memory is nor easy to obtain but email sales@aleph1.co.uk for availability.

These can be fitted with a Maths CoProcessor but they are not easy to obtain email sales@aleph1.co.uk for availability.

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