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 Using !PCConfig

4.7 Start-up options

This option defines what happens when you start the !PC application. It can start up to the icon bar, ready to be clicked on to actually start the PC card booting, or it can boot the PC Card straight away, either in single tasking (Full screen), or multitasking (Window) mode. 

To set this option: 

  1. Click Select on the Start-up icon in the PC configuration window. 

    The following dialogue box will be displayed:

  1. Choose the option you require.
  2. Click OK to confirm your choices and return to the main PC config window.


The option allows you to decide which of the mouse or keyboard functions can be used to switch between single- and multi-tasking modes. See Switching between PC Card modes on page 32 for details of the switching process. 
  1. Click Select on the Start-up icon in the PC configuration window.
  2. The following dialogue box will be displayed: 

  3. Choose the option you require.
    • If you disable both switching modes by choosing Do not allow return to RISC OS then there really is no way back once you are using the PC in single tasking mode. 
    • You may want to disable the mouse switching by choosing Alt-Break returns to RISCOS so that inadvertent middle-mouse button use will not pop you back to RISCOS.
  4. Click OK to confirm your choices and return to the main PC config window.

4.9 Booting

This option must be on when you install DOS the first time you use the card, as DOS must be booted from a floppy to install it. After that, set it OFF for convenience and for virus protection. 

To set this option: 

  1. Click Select on the Booting icon in the PC Card configuration window.
  2. The following dialogue box will be displayed:

  1. Click the button so that a tick appears to allow booting from a floppy disc. You must tick this option in order to install DOS.
  2. Click OK to confirm your choices and return to the main PC config window.
Aleph One Ltd. 22-24
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