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 Using !PCConfig

4.10 Updating your configuration

As you work with your PC card you may wish to change the configuration you have to reflect changes in your computer setup or way of working

There are also additional configuration options available. In most cases you will not need to use them, but if you have an unusual combination of hardware, or experience problems with software you are trying to use, it may be worth fine-tuning your setup. Some expansion-card specific options are also accessed via this option. 

Details of advanced configuration options and when you should use them are given in Appendix A.

Editing your configuration

To update your configuration options: 
  1. Load the !PCConfig program.
  2. Click Select on the PCConfig icon on the icon bar, or choose Main configuration from the Open menu.
  3. The configuration window will be displayed and you can open any section to update or change your choices.
  4. Remember to click Save when you have finished editing your choices, and to quit and reload !PC so that your changes come into effect.

Obsolete options on update

Note that if you receive a software update some of the options may have become obsolete. These will produce a warning: 
    Unknown option xxxxxxx 
the first time you use the new version of !PCConfig, but once you have saved the settings this will not happen again, as these old options will have been removed from the Config file.

Aleph One Ltd. 24-25
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