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Using your PC Card

5.8 Using Microsoft Windows

In order to use the Aleph One PC cards with Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11 you must choose the Custom Installation option during the Windows installation process. This allows you to select “VGA (version 3.0)” or the Aleph One Windows Driver for the display driver. The other defaults are correct, with the possible exception of Keyboard. Check Keyboard on page 48 for the correct setting for your host computer. 

After making these selections you can proceed with the installation. 

Windows may be used with the PC card in any of its modes supported by your hardware combination. Note that at least 3MB RAM is required to run Windows in Enhanced Mode and more is recommended. No special setup is required to run Windows 3.0—simply follow the Windows installation procedure (you will need to have about 4MB of disc space free). 

If you have Windows 3.11 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 then we recommend that you turn on 32 bit file access in the control panel 386 Enhanced (See your Windows manual or Help). This gives a very significant improvement in disk cacheing performance. 

  • For details on installing Windows 95 or OS/2 please see the Readme file.

  • If you have an A300 or A400 series machine which does not have a high density floppy drive, you will need to use 720K floppy discs to install Microsoft Windows. Contact Microsoft on 0181 614 8000 to exchange your discs.

5.9 Using DR-DOS with Windows 3.1

If you are using the DR-DOS operating system and you wish to run Windows 3.1 you must ensure that you have a copy of DR-DOS dated April 1992 or later. Contact Novell, the publishers of DR-DOS directly for information on how to obtain a DR-DOS upgrade if you do not possess the relevant version. From the UK, phone 00 353 145 909 55 for upgrade information. 

If you are running an older copy of DR-DOS you will see the following error message if you attempt to run Windows 3.1: 

Fault in extended memory manager

Aleph One Ltd. 38-39

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